Photo by Jennifer Novotney
MITell is delighted to offer workshops for the MIT Community.
Introductory workshops, for anywhere from five participants up to 100, typically run for 1.5 – 2 hours, and introduce the basics of oral storytelling. Workshops can also be customized to better meet the needs of your department. Please contact us for more information.
MITell has held workshops for:
- MIT Museum
- Margaret Cheney Room
- 6.UAT Oral Communication
- MIT Women’s UnConference
- Terrascope (Working Lunch)
- MIT GE/CD Global Education & Career Development
- Terrascope (Working Lunch)
- MIT GE/CD Global Education & Career Development
- Burton Conner House
- MIT Office of Distinguished Fellowships & PKG Center
- Graduate Women at MIT
- Racial Equity Group at MIT Medical
- Office of the First Year at MIT
- MIT international Science and Technology Initiatives (MISTI)
- MIT Climate & Sustainability Consortium (MCSC)
- Division of Student Life (DSL)